Getz Family Scholarship

Way back in the 1900s, I attended culinary school in Kansas City. Yes, it was only 1998, but it feels like an eternity ago. I was able to graduate from High School early and moved to Kansas to live with my older brother. One day, his girlfriend put me in her car and drove me to the college to enroll, knowing I would never do it alone. That day, I became a college student! While enrolling, I applied for several scholarships, but I was turned down on all. Disappointed, I tried one more. Success! A family I had never met would give me $500 for school if I agreed to repay the favor sometime in my life. Well, life is hard, and time passes fast. I have finally found success, and it’s time to give back and fulfill my promise. So, my family has set up this scholarship to help others who may need it. My only ask of you is to give college your all. It can get challenging, but keep working at it. And someday, when you can, I ask that you keep the trend going and help someone else attend college!
Much Love,
Pat Getz
Eligibility: Summit County degree seeking students with a 2.5 GPA or higher.

Getz Family