Freda T. Roof Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Freda T. Roof for any deserving student enrolled at Colorado Mountain College to defray expenses of tuition, fee, living and transportation costs, and other expenses necessary or incident to the education of the recipients. It was the sincere hope of Miss Roof that if the recipient benefiting from these funds becomes financially able to repay the funds, he or she should take the opportunity to do so. Those funds could then be repaid to the Freda T. Roof Memorial Scholarship Fund in the care of the Trustee at the Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. of Denver, CO.

Eligibility: Applicants must be classified as in-state. Students must demonstrate a desire and a potential to learn (minimum of 2.75 GPA), must attend any Colorado Mountain College campus and be currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program. The awards will be based on merit and need

Estate of Freda Roof
2.75 GPA Requirement, 6 credit minimum requirement